Honoring Our Volunteers
At Ken Anderson Alliance, we believe that our growing team of supporters empower adults with disabilities to learn, grow, and engage to achieve independence. Because of you, our participants thrive and pursue their passions. At this time, we express our gratitude to our volunteers who support our mission.
National Volunteer Week
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Not a day goes by that the Ken Anderson Alliance team doesn’t acknowledge the power of our volunteers. We truly couldn’t accomplish all that we have without them. During National Volunteer Week, we thank you for transforming the lives of adults with disabilities.
Volunteers are critical to our success. Volunteering with us is a rewarding, fun opportunity. Each person chooses activities that fit their interest and schedule. A few ways our volunteers create impact include:
- Attending a ball game with a small group of adults with disabilities.
- Making crafts, playing video games or playing putt putt with a small group.
- Engage with our participants at fundraisers.
All our volunteers truly make a difference!
Our Board
KAA is lucky to have a dedicated board that brings expertise and vision to further the mission of our organization. Currently, we have 18 board members and 11 advisory committee members. Each member brings a unique skill set and perspective that helps expand programming to create LIVE, WORK, and ENGAGE opportunities for adults with disabilities. Meet the Ken Anderson Alliance Board.
Volunteer Highlight
Barb Cassidy is an integral part of the KAA team as a dedicated volunteer. She has been helpful filling in at the front desk, assisting us at the Legends dinner in October, and giving up her Friday night on Super Bowl weekend to sell raffle tickets at Moerlein Lager House for a last-minute KAA fundraising opportunity.

Barb first met Kenny and Cristy on a trip to the Bengals’ game in London. As a high school teacher for thirty years, Barb knew that there weren’t many opportunities for graduating students with special needs. When Ken spoke about his alliance at a dinner on their tour, she knew she wanted to get involved. When the KAA team moved into our new office in Silverton, Barb jumped at the chance to help out.
Her favorite part of volunteering with KAA is being in the office with the participants and seeing them enjoy their days. “When I work in the office, I get a first-hand look at how meaningful the program is and how important KAA is. It makes my day to see how happy they are.”
Barb says that volunteering with KAA is a great opportunity. There are so many ways to get involved, from the Ring of Honor Dinner to prep work for Autism Rocks. Visiting the coffee shop is a great way to show your support, too. “The coffee shop experience is great,” Barb shares, “and the LIVE community will be beneficial to so many people. There is such a need for these programs and it’s great that KAA is able to do all these things.”
Volunteer With Us
If you are searching for KAA volunteer opportunities, we would love to hear from you. Connect with Theresa Ciampone, volunteer and fundraising coordinator, to find the right volunteer opportunity for you or your group.
Thank you, volunteers. We could not do our work without you! Happy National Volunteer Week.