Let There Be Music

The music program is wonderful! The music therapists are truly amazing! My son loves to practice and then get the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. The joy that the participants feel while performing is the best!                    – KAA Parent

Music activities engage adults with disabilities in a fun way while helping them develop sensorimotor, cognitive, and social skills. Ken Anderson Alliance offers music-related opportunities in four areas:

  1. Adult Day Services Large Group Activity—Program participants gather with KAA musicians/direct service professionals for an extended period of time during the day choosing music, rehearsing a range of songs, jamming to favorite tunes, and even enjoying lunch together. This program is available Monday through Friday at KAA’s building and participants can attend multiple days a week.
  • Hero Radio Podcasts and Urban Soundscapes – These two (2) day programs encourage small groups of adults to explore the arts in our community. Podcast participants use the Greater Cincinnati Library system to interview local musicians and other personalities and then edit and upload their podcasts. Urban Soundscapes participants record sounds heard in different parts of Greater Cincinnati and remix the sounds into music.
  • Music Therapy – Available for individuals or in small groups, all music therapy sessions are facilitated by one of Ken Anderson Alliance’s licensed music therapists.
  • Community Experiences – Held one or two times a month, Community Experiences include concerts, open jam sessions and other participatory music experiences such as group drumming or musical storytelling. The majority of community experiences are hosted in partnership with other arts agencies or local venues to build new community connections.

KAA musicians will perform at KAA’s Autism Rocks event on Sunday, February 8 at Lori’s Roadhouse in West Chester Township. The event features local bands as well as an online auction, bourbon pull and more. Learn more about Autism Rocks and other KAA events here.