Make A Donation

Grow a more inclusive, supportive community for people of all abilities

Your Generous Donations Help Create Opportunities For Adults With Disabilities

At KAA, we’re enriching lives by giving adults critical avenues to LIVE, WORK and ENGAGE in their community. We rely on donors and sponsors to continue and expand our quality programs.

WORK: Building Skills and Confidence

Your gift to the Ken Anderson Alliance helps provide essential WORK related services for adults with developmental disabilities, empowering them to find meaningful employment and gain independence. Through job placement services, personalized coaching and skill development, KAA's work programs foster confidence and self-sufficiency.

Donate to Build Skills and Confidence for Adults With Disabilities - Ken Anderson Alliance

ENGAGE: Empowering Through Connections

Your generous support enables the Ken Anderson Alliance to offer a wide range of ENGAGE programs that provide social, recreational and community-building opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. 

ENGAGE day programs center around music instruction, art exploration and community experiences including volunteering. 

ENGAGE evening outings and special activities help foster friendships, boost confidence and create a sense of belonging for participants. Two programs – Out & About and Night Out – give participants a range of choices.

Donate to Build Connections for Adults With Disabilities - Ken Anderson Alliance

Why Your Support Matters

Your contributions directly impact the lives of individuals who rely on KAA’s services. Donations, volunteer time and attendance at fundraising events all go toward helping people with disabilities: 

  • Make friends. 
  • Have a safe, welcoming place to be with others.
  • Find and hold a job.
  • Build self-reliance and independence.  
  • Contribute to the community.  

Every dollar and every hour you give helps create a future where more adults with developmental disabilities can live fulfilling lives full of purpose and community.

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