KAA Engage Outings provide small groups of adults opportunities to explore their community, connect with peers, and have fun!
Program activities also encourage independence, self-advocacy and confidence as individuals learn to navigate and participate in their community.
Engage Evening Programs include KAA Out & About and KAA Night Out -- see descriptions below.
Want to enroll and engage? Fill out this form.
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KAA Out & About
Adults (age 18 and up) can enjoy a wide range of community-based activities for large and small groups, such as:

KAA Night Out
Our Night Out program brings together small groups of adults who plan their own weekly activities and build friendships. Recent outings have included:

The World We Build
Imagine a world where adults with disabilities have countless opportunities for friendship, meaningful connections and laughter. That world is becoming a reality thanks to the Ken Anderson Alliance.
Learn About Our Engage
To participate in our Engage Outings, you must be enrolled in our program.

Fundraising Events
Music, food, golf and, of course, football… the Ken Anderson Alliance loves to host a party! Mark your calendars.