DSPs: The Heart and Soul of KAA

Ken Anderson Alliance (KAA is proud of our Direct Support Professionals! During DSP Recognition Week, we’re celebrating them, their passion, their talents, and their efforts to create LIVE, WORK and ENGAGE opportunities for adults with disabilities throughout Cincinnati.

DSPs are the heart and soul of KAA’s mission to provide a quality of life that empowers adults with disabilities to develop and sustain lifelong relationships, independence, and self-esteem while contributing to the larger community. More importantly, KAA staff members are highly-trained professionals on topics such as person-centered supports, positive behavior support, music therapy, and health and wellness. 

Feedback from program participants and family members attest to the impact KAA staff members have on the lives of the adults they serve:

Our daughter participant looks forward to ADS and her outings so much. Both programs are highlights in her weekly life. She frequently talks about staff members and how caring they are, supportive, fun!                              – KAA Parent

The music program is wonderful! The music therapists are truly amazing! My son loves to practice and then get the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. The joy that the participants feel while performing is the best!                – KAA Parent

Its beautiful and awesome amazing i love ya like family to me          – KAA Participant